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Learn the Ministry of Dance!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How to deal when leadership changes in Dance Ministry?

Dance ministry is composed of many different spiritual gifts, natural talents and know-hows. Serving in dance ministry for many years afforded me the privilege to sit under, train, and glean from some pretty incredible people. One thing I have noticed is that each and every one of them taught me with the ability God gave them. Noticing this taught me how to respect the teaching styles of others. I understood, at that season of my life that I needed that particular teaching in the style that it was taught. I bless God for that.

When leadership changes in Dance Ministry it is not easy on the new leader, nor is it easy on the team members. Emotions are high, attitudes form quickly – especially when the leader is not who we thought it would be.  All of a sudden as team members, we now have to move out of what was comfortable for us. We had a certain schedule, a certain structure; we did certain kinds of dances. Now here comes somebody... somebody new! Now we have to adapt, submit and listen to this new person we don’t even know or…check this out - now we have to listen to this team member (watch out now!) that God has elevated. Let me stop right there because that’s a different post! What I want to encourage and strengthen you with in this post is that our attitudes mean everything.

Students – Check your attitude in prayer

So now you have a new teacher/leader. This new teacher/leader has a different personality and ability. This speaks of the fearfully and wonderfully made element that each and every one of us has (Ps. 139:13-14). God structured every artery, muscle and fiber of our being – even our personality and the way we do things. I am not like Sister Cherrytop and Sister Cherytop is not like me. You are not like Sister Shoehorn and Sister Shoehorn is not like you. God formed us in our mother’s womb the way He wanted us to be. This understanding positions us in a place where we must respect each other and love one another like we love ourselves (Matt. 22:39). We must respect and embrace that our new leader is a part of the Body of Christ and that new leader has something we need (1Cor. 12:21) and we have something she/he needs. Each member has its function, place and use. We must also understand that the new leader has a different way of doing things. This is what makes the whole body (of Christ) fit together perfectly. We all fit perfectly when we all do our own special work. Know that your new leader is doing their special work. In them submitting to God to do their special work they are in fact helping the other parts (me, you…us) grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love (Eph. 4:16). Know that their different way of doing things is still influenced by the same God that worked in your former leader (1Cor. 12:6). Understanding this and embracing this truth is the key to checking our attitude. 

During this transition, if you are experiencing attitudes and emotions that do not God glorify God, then Pray. Pray that God will open up His Word to you and show you the scriptures you need to bind to your mind so that you can change your emotions and attitude (God is not going to do this for us. This is our responsibility.). Pray and study. Don’t pray and then sit and wait for God to do it. God will do it as you begin to search out scriptures about emotions and right attitudes. They will almost jump OUT at you! Remember, faith without works is completely dead (James 2:14-26).    

Trust that God knows what His people need and how to give it to them

Beloved of God, when we are being taught anything pertaining to God by a person with the Spirit of God in them, understand that their teaching ability is a know-how from God. Why do I say this? Because when a believer teaches another believer they are doing it within the ability God gives them (1Pet. 4:11) trusting in Him all the way that He will bring about His desired outcome in the person(s) being taught (1Cor. 3:6). They are teaching through God’s Spirit. As students who are being taught and who are proactively and responsibly checking what is taught with scripture (yes we must do this to see if what is taught is actually so -Acts 17:11)  we must respect (not compare) and trust (not judge) that this know-how from God that the teacher has is through His wisdom. We should humble ourselves and trust that our all-knowing Father knows what we need and how we need it (Prov. 24). As students we must check our attitude in prayer. 

As humans, creatures of habit, we are used to certain things and when it is changed or done differently we freak out. This is normal. God understands. However this is where the rubber hits the road. As children of God who are seeking to be more like Him, this is an opportunity God is giving us to exemplify our distinction from like attitudes of the world. Ahhhh! Yeeesssss. God changed your situation and comfort zone in order to change YOU! Look at it as God calling you up higher; higher in the perfecting of your character and love muscle. He is giving you an opportunity to exercise yourself unto godliness. How awesome is that!

So you have a new Praise Dance leader…how are you going to respond to them with love? How are you going to exercise yourself unto godliness? Are you going to give them the side eye? Are you going to fight against her/his ideas and vision? Are you going to be jealous that Sister Cherrytop got elevated and you didn’t? (If this is your attitude by the way…this attitude of jealousy testifies that you were not ready to be elevated anyway…just saying.) Are you going to reject their style of teaching and establishment of a different structure/routine? Will you reject their teachings because it is not to your liking/what you are used to or will you embrace the change, humble ourselves and seek to get all you can out of the learning experience? Like I said before our all-knowing Father knows what we need and how we need it (Prov. 24).  

Beloved, trust God and know this is what you need right now, even if you don’t understand it. If God shifted some things in the ministry you are a part of and leadership has changed hands, understand that God expects a certain response from you…from us.

What is that response?
The answer is summed up in this verse:

Rom. 13:1 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”

Know that God ordained and positioned your leader. The right attitude will help a great deal in this transition period. It helps the transition run smoother. It brings glory to God and shows that you are his disciples because you chose to love (John 13:35).  1John 3:14 says, "We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other." That is a strong statement. God can't bring about unity and His glory in our ministry if we are not in agreement with His choice and if we, in our hearts and secretly in the bathroom with other team members, are rising up agains the leader to take them down. This ought not be so. That is how the world operates not the church.Let's raise the standard and honor God in this process of transition. 

Be blessed
Sonia Kong, PDCM

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