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Learn the Ministry of Dance!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What Certifies You As A Liturgical Dance | Praise Dance Minister?

Someone asked me, "What certifies a person as a liturgical dance minister or leader?" They wanted to know if they needed to take a class, become apart of a network, get a certificate from someone who is well known in the liturgical dance community and the like. The answer to the question is really none of the above. However, the above are helpful and they are set in place to increase our learning. We should all go through some type of discipleship pertaining to the Ministry of Dance. These schools and ministries, I believe, exists because they are founded upon a biblical principle. That is to train up in order to send forth. Jesus did it. He chose 12 who would be able to evangelize, disciple and train others in the same task. He then turned them loose to disciple the nations! I am taking a couple right now!  But to answer to the question, as servants of God, in order to be certified as a Liturgical Dance Minister all one really needs is simply a relationship with God coupled with a persons experience received from blooming where God has planted them.


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