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Learn the Ministry of Dance!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Are You Dancing In Sin?

Many of us are careful about committing “big” sins – sins that are visible or that can directly affect someone else. However without conviction we may commit “little” sins.

We may not commit fornication, homosexuality, adultery or murder – but we have no problem watching it on TV.

We may not prostitute ourselves, but we will sure wear shoes, clothes, and ornaments that identify with someone who does. Some of us will boldly wear outfits that scream deliberate seduction and defend it with statements such as “God looks at the heart, not our clothes” all the while being ignorant of the fact that what we manifest on the outside is a direct reflection of the heart (Mark 7:21-23).

We may not lie, but our speech is full of exaggeration and misleading.

We may not rob a bank, but we will steal time from our employer, someone’s idea or fail to give credit where credit is due.

We may even do something good like contribute time and dedication to ministry, encourage folk on FB, but then neglect our families.

These “little” sins and conformities have one mission. They are darts and wiles to keep us Dancing In Sin. Let’s learn about it and talk about it so that we can be about it!

Click below to listen to our monthly conference call that took place March 23, 2015

Dancing In Sin


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